Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Make Money with sharing video, blogs, photo and musics

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010

Daceband pays you to share videos, photos, blogs and music! SIGN UP FREE TODAY!!!

As a member:

You will be able to multiply your income by working at home. Our members earn points for every activity they do on the site then after 24 hours all their points are converted into real cash. We have 7 ways for you to make money in this site:

  1. Earn money by viewing advertisements.
  2. Earn money by sharing videos, blogs, photos and music.
  3. Earn 25% of your referrals earnings for life.
  4. Earn $5 for every 1000 unique visitors that view your content such as your videos, blogs, photos, audio and profile.
  5. Add your own advert around all your Daceband content and earn 100% of the Ad revenue.
  6. Sell your music/audio for free.
  7. Earn 10% commission each time your referrals advertise on Daceband.

We pay you instantly via Paypal or Alertpay when you reach the minimum threshold of $5.00

Every single point is worth between $0.01 and $0.0001

Register Klik Here

Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

A few improvements to earning facepoints and your popularity by IM faceplate news

A few improvements to earning facepoints and your popularity by IM faceplate news

A few improvements to earning facepoints and your popularity

Oct 4th 2010 at 10:27 PM

One thing is for certain ... the IM faceplate team is dedicated to making this community the best it can be. To that effect, we are always looking at ways to improve the various components of IM faceplate, and so we annouce a few adjustments that were recently made to your earning of facepoints and your popularity score.


As you know, you earn facepoints for doing a variety of things in IM faceplate. Everything from logging in, to posting a comment on someone's article, to viewing somebody's faceplate, etc., will result in you earning facepoints. You can also earn when other people view your faceplate or "like" something you wrote, and so on.

So, what was the improvement? Well, we have increased the facepoints you can earn for a few fo these actions to better bring them in line with the rest.

You can view the new amounts by visiting our original HELP article on earning facepoints, which we have now updated.

View it here >

A few improvements to earning facepoints and your popularity

Oct 4th 2010 at 10:27 PM

One thing is for certain ... the IM faceplate team is dedicated to making this community the best it can be. To that effect, we are always looking at ways to improve the various components of IM faceplate, and so we annouce a few adjustments that were recently made to your earning of facepoints and your popularity score.


As you know, you earn facepoints for doing a variety of things in IM faceplate. Everything from logging in, to posting a comment on someone's article, to viewing somebody's faceplate, etc., will result in you earning facepoints. You can also earn when other people view your faceplate or "like" something you wrote, and so on.

So, what was the improvement? Well, we have increased the facepoints you can earn for a few fo these actions to better bring them in line with the rest.

You can view the new amounts by visiting our original HELP article on earning facepoints, which we have now updated.

View it here >

Sabtu, 02 Oktober 2010


Jika Anda ingin memulai karier sebagai INTERNET INFOPRENEUR di PEOPLESTRING bisa untuk dijadikan batu loncatan atau sebagai OPPORTUNITY SEEKER maka PEOPLESTRING bisa untuk dijadikan salah satu lahan.
Ingat 30 juta orang Indonesia sudah terhubung di internet dan akan terus berkembang. Ini potensi bisnis. Sudah saatnya Anda mulai berkarier dan menggali uang di sini.
Banyak sudah saya pelajar dan pahami dari semua masalah-masalah ini maka saya terdorong untuk menulis E-book yang lengkap dan menyeluruh serta mencoba memecahkan semua permasalahan ini.
Beberapa hal yang saya anggap PeopleString memberikan peluang besar bagi kita untuk berbisnis di dunia maya :
  1. PeopleString adalah situs jejaring sosial milik BigString perusahaan ternama di USA yang mempunyai reputasi hebat dan spesialis bisnis email dan terdaftar di bursa saham. Anda bisa ihat di sini:
  2. PeopleString disertai dengan fitur-fitur hebat seperti yang sangat saya suka adalah self-destructing email yang sangat menarik dan canggih dengan format yang bisa Anda jadikan alat promosi hebat di bandingkan email yang ada saat ini, micro blogging yang efisien untuk membuat catata bisnis dan presentasi, serta fitur hebat lainnya
  3. Anda bisa bertemu STRINGER secara mudah dan cepat dari Seluruh dunia dan bagi Anda yang punya insting bisnis ini peluang emas untuk go internasional dari dunia maya
  4. Banyak Produk menarik yang bisa Anda gunakan untuk mendulang dollar di dunia maya dengan metode peopledollar yang menjadilkan Anda kaya dari SISI BOLAK-BALIK
Peoplepoint dan revenue bagi saya itu hanyalah tanda terima kasih dari PeopleString.
Ingat ini era Internet. Jadikan internet ladang hidup Anda. Mulailah go internasional.Banyak jalan di dunia maya untuk menjadi kaya dan peopleString adalah salah satunya.
PeopleString telah memberikan tool-tool yang hebat untuk Anda mulai membuat uang. Lihatlah ada ladang uang di sana.Jangan lihat dan fokus pada peoplepoint saja.
Saya ingin mengajak STRINGER untuk berkembang di PeopleString. Menggali dan mempelajari
Jangan hanya jadi KING OF BEGGAR mengaharap PEOPLEPOINT mulailah AKTIF dan AGRESIF untuk memburu dollar.